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Come explore our beautiful camp and have a weekend away from your busy schedule!

The school year is hectic...take a break at one of our mid-year retreats. There will be campfires (weather permitting), worship, music, and so much more. If there's snow, bring a sled!

Retreats are a great way to introduce your new camper to our camping ministry.

Both the Junior High Retreat and the High School Retreat will be on the same weekend this year.

School Year
Sample Schedule


7-8p Registration

8p Welcome, Introductions, large group activity

9p Family Groups

9:45p Worship

10:30p Back to Cabins

11:15 Lights Out (earlier for younger kids)


7a Wake Up!

9a Breakfast

8:45a Morning Watch

9a Energizers, singing, keynote

9:45a Family Group

11:00a Choices 1.0, such as crafts, group games, gaga ball, porch rap, service project, etc.

11:45a Break

12p Lunch

1p Free Time

2:30p Singing and Keynote

2:45 Family Group

4p Large Group Games

4:30p Choices 2.0

5:30p Break

6p Supper

7p Evening Activity

9p Snack

9:30p Worship

10:30p Back to Cabins

11p Lights Out (earlier for younger kids)


7:30a Wake Up, Packing

8:30a Breakfast and evaluations

9a Morning Watch

9:15a Family group meeting and cleaning

10a Closing Worship

11a Good-bye

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